PLEASE NOTE - This form can only be used for 'CASH' (inc. cheque, standing order, etc.) donations. A Gift Aid form for ITEMS donated to any of our shops is available on request by contacting

What is Gift Aid?

Gift Aid allows us to claim 25% more on top of your donation from any Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax you pay during the current tax year.

For every £1 you donate, we can claim another 25p from the government at no extra cost to you, which makes your donation go a lot further towards helping more animals in our care!

Gift Aid Example

In order for us to claim Gift Aid, you only need to acknowledge the Gift Aid Declaration below and provide your address details. It's that easy!

For more information about Gift Aid, Click Here.

Gift Aid Declaration

Donation Details


Personal Details

We would like to keep you updated about our work, events, and fundraising exercises. Please tell us how you would like to hear from us by ticking any of the boxes below.