Fundraiser: Indie


£0.00 / £100 Raised


Indie is a beautiful husky cross that came to us from a group of dogs along with some of her siblings.

These gorgeous girls have not seen much of the world so are understandably anxious and are looking for kind and patient families to guide them into adult hood with all the love they crave!!

Super affectionate, Indie is always looking to her handler for reassurance and attention and is sharing her kennel with one of her sisters, Sandy for emotional support as she finds her feet in this brave new world!

Bouncy and full of beans she will need plenty of exercise along with brain games to keep her on her toes and she will be happy as Larry! She may need house training and some basic training around the house but is not strong and is always looking to her handler for guidance so training should be easy peasy!

Indie has always lived with other dogs so we are looking for a home with an existing confident dog to show her the ropes and help her find her own strength inside. She is an anxious bean so will benefit from the support of a canine friend as she learns to settle into her new life.

Do you think you have enough love to share with this beautiful gem? Please fill in an application and someone will be in touch!


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