Fundraiser: Kookie & Russell


£51.25 / £50 Raised


Kookie and Russell are our longest stays. Since pairing up, they are very happy here but would still much prefer a home of their own.

Both Russell and Kookie were found straying, both on their own, looking out for themselves in the scary and unknown great outdoors. Perhaps it was the similarity of their stories that brought them both here or just the fact that they are both stunning rabbits but it seems it was fate, they hadn’t been living as next door neighbours for very long when it became clear that love was in the air... they quickly became inseparable.

After their scary pasts, they were understandably both relieved to have been rescued and can now feel loved, safe and secure and will never have to feel threatened again. Although both were quite nervous on arrival here, they have settled down and are now looking for their own home together. We feel they would prefer somewhere on the quiet side, without younger children.

If you feel you could give Russell and Kookie their marital home in which to spend the rest of their lives making countless happy memories then please submit an interest form for them.


Amanda D.
Fri 27/10/2023
Amanda D.
Fri 27/10/2023
Amanda D.
Fri 08/09/2023
Amanda D.
Sun 30/07/2023
A. Clark
Thu 27/07/2023
Megan Hayes
Sat 17/06/2023