Success Story - Nellie

Thu 23rd May 2024

Nellie had a short stay in our care back in March 2024 before quickly landing on her paws and finding a fantastic new home...

"We thought that we would drop you an email with an update on Chanel, who is now our Nellie Noos, who we adopted in March. 

She is doing really well and is truly running our home! From the first afternoon at home with us she pottered around the garden before settling on the sofa for a snooze. 

Nellie has been enjoying parkrun with James and does a 5KM run at least three times a week. She's incredibly fast, she drags James along behind her for the whole 3 miles!

After having her for just over a month, we have found that Nellie absolutely loves playing in the garden, learning new tricks and watching our neighbours from the living room window.

We have taken her to explore many new places for walks: fields, woods, beaches, dog parks and around the block for a quick evening walk to burn off her energy. This weekend we took her to a scenic bluebell forest- she had the time of her life!

Nellie is learning commands and has mastered sit, wait, leave and roll over."