Success Story - Boris

Thu 23rd May 2024

Boris had a short stay with us at the beginning of 2024 before his irresistible charm won over his new family. They got in touch soon after to let us know how he's getting on...

"We are just emailing to give an update on Boris and how he is doing and to say thank you again for matching us up, he really is perfect!

It's been a little over 2 months now since we rescued Boris, and he has totally settled in like he had always been around! Within a week he learnt a few tricks like sit and stay and walks amazing on the lead and has amazing recall and don’t leave our side. he is the sweetest most gentle giant; he gets on with everyone and loves to make friends with other dogs - his doggy cousin Gus who was also adopted from Danaher by my partners sister in December is his favourite adventure buddy!

He has stolen our hearts and our sofa ha-ha!"